Saturday, June 21, 2008

..nothing but head.

This head was done for a Blizzard art contest. It's supposed to be Diablo ( no horns or soul gem). I tried using a Gorillia skull as a model for his head.

This head was done for my own gratification. A Tauren (also sans horns)but once again this is far as I got.

This is what I did for the Arthas-Frostmourne contest. I like the head (very stylized) but not enough time to finish

So here is what I was hoping to turn in, a traditional 2d piece but just not enough time for this as well. I do plan on finishing it and maybe turning it in to Blizzard's fan art web site.

Flight 242 has been postponed due to a Blizzard.

Diverted once again. You can blame Blizzard Entertainment. You see Blizzard is responsible for great games like Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo. They don't churn out alot of games but they do make solid quality games with great game play and fantastic art direction. You see Blizzard is responsible for showing me that CGI animation wasn't just a flash in the pan. You could actually make great and dramatic animations. (check out this video on you tube). When I saw the Amerigo video for Starcraft I was just blown away. They use this quality approach to everything they do.
OK long story short. They had another art contest which I tried to get something ready for. It diverted my attention from everything (including house and family) for about a month. The contest was to do a representation of Arthas (from Warcraft III) with his demonic sword Frostmourne. Arthas is a great visual character who's part Elric (white hair, demonic sword) and part Anikin Skywalker (a basically good character who is corrupted by hs own inner failings).

I first started with doing a CGI model but it just wasn't going where I wanted it too. By the time I got to where I wanted to go I realized there just wasn't going to be enough time to finish. So I went traditional 2D. But there just aren't enough hours in the day. So today is the deadline and it's not finished. Now hopefully I can get on with my life. This isn't the first time I've tried my hand at Blizzard stuff. I once tried to do Diablo in cgi for another Blizzard art contest but I got no farther then I did this time. I've tried doing a Tauren (a big minotaur type of creature) but once again nothing past a head. There seems to be some hurdle I can't get past when doing my art. Once again the hope for this project is to hopefully stop that trend. Now on with the show!