Sunday, January 6, 2008

So begins another year....

OK, so here we go...

First; Lets get the formalities out of the way.
"Hello, my name is Arthur. I am married with one child. I live in northern Minnesota". Everything else is on a need to know basis.

Two; Reason for this blog.
This blog will be a way of documenting a short (very short) animated film I'll be producing.
Why am I producing an animated film?
I suppose you could blame Jules, Herbert George,as well as Edgar, Howard Phillips and then you could also point fingers at Ray, George, Terry, Tim, Riddley and last but not least, my mom.
But really ever since the third grade when I saw "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" I've wanted to have some part in making films. For the most part those dreams have been pushed to the back. But no longer!
The digital revolution has allowed people (with little or no talent) to to create paintings, music, art, and yes films.
So... this blog, as stated, will be a diary of my new and first production. It will hopefully include the process and progression of the film. This will include production notes, storyborads in hand with an additional website (you tube most likely) that will screen tests and completed parts of the film itself.
As any project is a sum it's creator. I will also include bits of the creator. My likes, dislikes, what influenced me, why am I doing the things that I am doing and personal opinion.
The projected end time for this film is by the end of 2008. It should be noted that I rarely ever finish anything I start. Hopefully with this endeavor I shall break this trend. It should be noted that no man is creative island (or at least shouldn't be, just look what happened to Mr. Lucas), so I encourage suggestions, comments and critiques. There will be times when I may ask for suggestions if not out right help with this production.
And yes I know my spelling and grammar suck (Thanks, Miss Jondahl) so we can save that critique for another time
OK, thanks, hold on we're just getting started.